My Yoga Story & Journey by Ebony T. Perry | 2016

For as long as I can remember, I knew it was important for people to find a safe outlet for emotion and creativity. I knew through personal discovery and through education, that it was important to create a sacred space within and without- an accessible sanctuary, in order to face life's obstacles with grace. For myself, that outlet had always consistently been escapism through creating art and reading books to help cope with the adverse impacts of trauma, depression, and chronic health imbalances. It was until 2003, while I was part of a non-profit organization called Peace4Kids (originally known as the Peace Garden) in Los Angeles, CA; that I was first exposed to the benefits of combining Yoga with my other passions in the arts, nature connection, and meditation at 11 years old. From then on, the seed was planted- and the practice became something I personally wanted to learn more about and begin exploring much more deeply.

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(My Yoga Journey - continued from above): From what introductory information I absorbed at that age, Yoga had already inspired me to take better care of myself, through learning a few basics about Ayurvedic eating, it helped my body feel strong and properly conditioned when I was studying and practicing ballet, it alleviated the symptoms of back pain, fatigue, and chronic migraines I was used to experiencing at the time, it taught me self-confidence, and it helped me to cope with a majority of the stress and challenges I would be facing in the years ahead. It was until high school, that I began to shift my previous perspective and view Yoga as more than a “work out.” I began utilizing it to supplement my self- care ritual of escaping to my room to drink tea and create expressive art as a way to release blockages and open up more pathways to re-align my being. Even then, having sensed something deeper by integrating Yoga into my life- little did I know how the practice would continue to be present in moments of distress, to guide me back to balance, improved breathing, and encourage even deeper grounding- throughout college and beyond.

Fast forward, after having graduated University (2014), I was feeling stressed, depressed again, emotionally imbalanced, and simply not present in life. I decided to pick up where I left off by taking several classes and workshops throughout California. It was during this time that with more commitment and consistency- that I found the practice to be even more holistically supportive during this difficult transitional period than originally imagined. That is when the message finally clicked, and I decided to further integrate yoga into my lifestyle and art practice. Over time, after continuing to experience the healing benefits of cultivating and maintaining a therapeutic Yoga practice- I decided I wanted to become a certified teacher/guide and share this gift with others, not just because of the creativity it unlocks- but because of the holistic power it has to completely transform perspective and bring balance. Fast-forward to the Fall of 2016, the stars aligned and life granted me a window of opportunity to earn my 200-RYT certification. It was after considering one last time, that I stopped oscillating and went for it with an open mind and heart.

I decided to study Classical Yoga at the Long Beach School of Yoga (LBSOY) and trained under Yoga teacher Ram Bhakt ( founder of LBSOY, E-RYT 500, published author and Yoga scholar), and I am infinitely grateful that I did. The training was beautiful, authentic, and unlocked a deeper understanding about the traditional theories and practices of : Asana (Yoga postures), Meditation, Mantra work (for focus in meditation), Pranayama (Yogic breath regulation techniques), Ayurveda (the traditional system of medicine and sister science of Yoga), Yogic philosophy, anatomy and physiology, teaching methodology, professional ethics, the different lineages and styles of Yoga, the Sutras of Patanjali (translated by Sri Swami Satchidananda), and much more.

After completing my training and receiving my certification in the winter of 2016, I can wholeheartedly say that everything I experienced fully opened my eyes to the heart and foundations of Yoga- as well as the practice’s ability to activate and maintain steady focus, energy, balance, and strength. Practicing and studying Yoga created a positive ripple effect in my life and added fuel to the passion I have to continue healing, transforming, creating art, radiance, and inspiring wellness.

In essence, this ancient, yet- beautifully accessible practice has liberated me in countless ways from the grips of chronic stress imbalances. Yoga helped me to find a strong sense of peace, grounding, and alignment- through practicing mindfulness, breath, and movement with compassion. This is the reason why I continue to dive deeper into using art, Yoga Rx, and mindfulness to make a positive impact.

~ The journey continues, peace. ~